Huntswood was engaged by a large UK Financial Services firm after experiencing a significant rise in complaints due to increased complaint management company (CMC) activity around a market-wide issue.

Due to the extent of the ongoing CMC activity, Huntswood was asked to flex its numbers from five Complaint Handlers to provide an additional 12 at short notice.

We were initially contracted to provide complaint handling support for three months. Due to the expertise of Huntswood’s team, its production figures and its quality, we were engaged to support the client for a further 21 months.

During the two years, over 10,500 complaints were closed. The Huntswood complaint resources outperformed the client’s BAU teams, peaking at 250 case resolutions per week against an average across the whole operation of 180.

Our client compliance team independently assessed our quality at 93% ‘right first time’. Our team also helped to achieve a 82% uphold rate with the FOS, with only six overturned decisions due to reasons beyond the final response being delayed.