Operational Excellence

Quiet ones Insight 308 176

The quiet ones – Reaching out to non-complainants

How do you stack up Blog 308 176

How do you stack up? – Effective benchmarking of complaints performance

Value for money Blog 308 176
Customer Servicing

Do you really value your customers? – Asking the hard questions around ‘value for money’

Managing digital conduct risk blog 308 176
Operational Excellence

White Paper: Managing digital conduct risk - ensuring the delivery of fair outcomes

CM Cs Insight 308 176

Claims Management Companies – A rapidly changing landscape

Digital conduct 308 176
Operational Excellence

Digital conduct risk in an online world

Put customers at the heart 308 176
Operational Excellence

Customers at the core – how customer-centric is your business?

Can it be outsourced 308 176

White Paper: Can it be outsourced? - Considerations for selecting a KYC and AML partner

Three keys to outsourcing

Three keys to a flexible outsourcing agreement

Putting customer experience first 308 176

White Paper: Outsourcing - putting customer experience front and centre

H yellow big
Operational Excellence

Infographic: making quality assurance outcomes focused

Connection blue
Operational Excellence

Becoming the John Lewis of financial services – what does it really take?

H purple small
Operational Excellence

Case study: Huntswood transitions and transforms 1,200 FTE outsourced operation

H green small

Case study: Tackling a large BAU complaint backlog

Path green

Case study: Delivering dedicated, outsourced paraplanning services

H blue big
Customer Servicing

Every penny makes a pound

H green big

Social media and customer complaints

H blue big
Operational Excellence

Advancement versus bureaucracy - leading the charge on innovation

H blue small
Technology and Data

The rise and rise of ‘fintech’…and how you can keep it in check

H blue small

Leadership and enabling cultural change

CO2022 word cloud


The Complaints Outlook 2022

Actionable insight for every stage of the complaints journey




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