Utilities Articles

Path purple
Technology and Data

The Secret to Achieving Quality Output from Robots

Path yellow
Technology and Data

Reducing complaints through robotics

Connections purple

'On the agenda’ - board discussions in 2018

Growth yellow
Financial Crime

CEO fraud - A simple and significant threat

H green small
Vulnerable customers

‘Consumer Vulnerability’ - What will 2018 bring?

Integrity green
Vulnerable customers

The commercial benefits of treating customers fairly within the utilities sector

Path green
Customer Servicing

Customer engagement – The key to good outcomes

Integrity blue
Customer Servicing

Rewarding customer loyalty – How can reward schemes in the energy market provide real customer benefits?

H yellow small

Gaining the advantage in a changing energy industry

Focus purple
Operational Excellence

Smart meters – how can firms minimise the conduct and operational risks and maximise the benefits?

Connections purple
Financial Crime

‘Failure to prevent’ economic crime - how should firms respond to this shake-up in corporate law?

Focus blue
Customer Servicing

Customer outcomes are just as important as satisfaction in the utilities market

H purple big
Vulnerable customers

Customer Vulnerability in the Energy Market

H blue big
General regulation

How will principles-based regulation (PBR) change the energy market?

Focus yellow

Leadership and culture

H green big

Social media and customer complaints

Growth green
Customer Servicing

Price comparison websites - A thematic review and the Huntswood view

Growth blue
Vulnerable customers

Considering vulnerable customers: are you doing all you can?

H yellow small

Culture - Think and understand before doing

Growth purple
General regulation

Consumer apathy or barriers to switch?

CO2022 word cloud


The Complaints Outlook 2022

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