Complaints outlook

Complaints Outlook 2019 – A video round-up from the launch event

Ensuring continuity disruption
Operational Excellence

Ensuring business continuity in the age of disruption

FOS complaints data H1 2019

Regulatory update: FOS complaints data H1 2019

Phased approach sca payments world prepared

A phased approach to implementing SCA – Is the Payments world prepared?

Data driving right performance

Is your data driving the right performance?

Emotional intelligence in complaints

‘Emotional Intelligence’ and why it’s vital for your complaints team

Make it easy to be a customer
Customer Servicing

Guest Article: “Make it easy to be a customer” – The key to good customer experience

Progress on official receiver ppi claims

Regulatory update: Progress on Official Receiver PPI claims

Journey to cyber resilience
Operational Resilience

Infographic: The Journey to Cyber Resilience

Culture smcr living values
Senior Managers and Certification Regime

Culture and SM&CR – Living your values

Getting back on track rail firms customer confidence
Operational Excellence

Getting back on track – how rail firms can recover and increase customer confidence

Reg update pension transfer advice contingent charging

Regulatory update: CP19 / 25 – Pension transfer advice: contingent charging and other proposed changes

First point contact complaints resolution

“Get it right the first time” – Aiming for 'first point of contact' complaints resolution

Microbusinesses Insight 308 176
General regulation

Microbusinesses and the energy market - The potential impacts of Ofgem's strategic review

Guidance firms fair treatment vulnerable customers
Vulnerable customers

Regulatory update: Guidance for firms on the fair treatment of vulnerable customers

Buy Now Pay Later Insite 308 176
General regulation

Regulatory update: Buy Now Pay Later Offers – Feedback on CP 18 / 43 and Final Rules

Digital identity 308 176
Financial Crime

Regulatory update: PAS 499

Complaints outlook 2019 background

White Paper: Complaints Outlook 2019

PPI 7 weeks Insight 308 176

The end of the PPI era – Staying on target through the last seven weeks

Compalints excellence infographic 308 176

Infographic: Are you really delivering complaints excellence?

CO2022 word cloud


The Complaints Outlook 2022

Actionable insight for every stage of the complaints journey




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