Posted: 18th February 2016
Vulnerable Customers: Ensuring the delivery of fair outcomes
Huntswood’s white paper is a must read if your firm is looking to improve the way you deal with vulnerable customers.
Our paper goes through the 10 outcomes that firms need to deliver, helping you to understand the most pertinent issues and build a framework to embed real change within your firm, with the key takeaways being:
- The FCA identified a series of customer expectations in OP8. We’ve translated these into a 10-step outcomes-based approach for firms to measure themselves against
- Huntswood has built a diagnostic tool to underpin, demonstrate and measure the embeddedness of these 10 outcomes. It incorporates all areas of vulnerability and how they impact your firm, and enables you to gain assurance on the effectiveness of your approach. Where this is not the case, it will identify and prioritises areas for focus
There is a newer version of this white paper available, you can download this latest version, here:
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